
2 Songs

The 10-day You Challenge is almost done!  It has been an interesting challenge.  I learned a lot about myself and it was good to share with others, too!

Today the challenge is two songs.  I don’t really have a favorite song.  Like books and movies, listening to music is a passion and so there are lots of different genres of music that I like and picking only two songs would be impossible.  Therefore, I chose to pick two songs that I think will be my favorites this summer:

1.  Sing by Ed Sheeran

Every time this song comes on the radio, I crank it up!  Love it!

2.  A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay

This is one of those songs that makes me feel like I can do anything!

Speaking of doing anything, I started my official first day of half-marathon training yesterday and it was a great running day!  I did an “easy” 3-mile run.  Okay, first of all, saying “easy” and “3-mile run” in the same sentence still blows my mind.  I can remember when 3 miles felt like the equivalent of a marathon!  And even though I was supposed to do the run at an easy pace, I was feeling really good and ended up running my fastest 3 miles yet – 34:19, with 11:04 being my fastest mile.  My speed is improving!  I still feel like I run like a turtle, but I continue to improve.  I also find myself using terms, like “PR’d” and pace, and I wear a watch now when I run to keep track of my pace times.  My virtual running partner is teaching me about hill training and repeats.   I honestly feel like a runner now.  It’s so exciting!

The last day of the challenge will be to post a photo of myself.  There’s a photo that I’m thinking of posting, but I’m a bit nervous.  I would seriously be putting myself out there, and it’s very scary.  (NO, I won’t be nude – LOL)  Stay tuned; hopefully I won’t chicken out!

5 thoughts on “2 Songs

  1. I’d have a tough time picking just two, but off the top of my head, “Kiss Me” by Sixpence None the Richer, and “Drops of Jupiter” by Train, but my taste goes way back to the 70s and waaaay waaaay back to the great operas.


    1. Those are good songs, Kat! There is a radio station that I listen to that will play 80’s all day on Saturdays and 70’s all day on Sundays. Love those old songs! 🙂 I’m not a big opera fan, but I do love classical music.


      1. I only really like the arias, but I do love classical music too, and Celtic, folk, hard rock, prog rock, punk, new wave – everything but heavy metal and thrash really.


  2. I don’t know if I could pick just 2 songs… hmmm… definitely Never Surrender by Triumph, but for #2… I dunno. Maybe that song from the commercial with the guy crossing the finish line. I can’t think of the name, but it’s by Avril Levine (sp?) LoL!

    And I’m crazy busy at work, but I will get you those links for the hill-work and speed repeats as soon as I get a few minutes!


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